How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22 Letter

so if the subject didn't give it away we did have a baptism this past week. It was wonderful. President and Sister McConkie came all the way from Prague to see it! They are so great. The service was great, and the confirmation on sunday was also a great experience. Alena bore a little testimony after she was confirmed, and it was possibly the most perfect testimony, if there is a such thing. short and sweet. full of gratitude, and testimony of what she knew was true. It was great, and Elder Knapp and I were beaming with happiness. It was great. the rest of sunday was so great! We learned about spiritual "vyziva".. .which means..... i'm blanking... also they are doing a little reconstruction here which means the internet cafe is now nearly an outdoor location and there is a guy walking on/with a ladder like a pair of stilts (amazing. period. don't worry i would never dream of it.) while he uses a mini jack hammer to get rid of even more wall! goodness me! the jist of the talk was that just like we have different physical needs as far as food goes, that we also have different spiritual needs: church, daily study, general conference, FHE etc. it was a great talk. the members in this branch are amazing! i love them more and more every week.
otherwise we had another exchange this week! i went with elder pearce who is in HK (and being trained by elder stradling in my group!) it was a blast, he's great, really really bold, a hard worker, and makes working fun. We even got to teach a tennis player that elder knapp and I had found and reffered to them! talk about icing on the cake!

nothing else super nuts happened... actually that's not so true. pretty much 3 wild things happen, out of the ordinary, every day. they get recorded, but with time restraints they don't make the weekly email. so i'll run you through a typical day so that you can get a better tast for what it is like in pardubice!

6:29 alarm goes off, we wake up to, for whatever reason (there used to be an english elder here), God save the queen. which I choose to recognize as the tune to a great american song instead "my country tis of thee?"

we pray!, then run around in place for about 20 minutes. running in place has many ups and downs, one of them is that i can memorize scriptures as i do it! what a blessing!
after showering we have a breakfast which is usually a mix of m any cereals. corn flakes, coco ball guys, and musli. a cereal that i don't know to be in america, but it's really good. a chocolate granola kinda guy, with peanuts sprinkled on top. breakfast of champions! haha

we study personally for 1 hour (one of the greatest hours of the day!) then together for 1 hour, shari9ng what we learned, planning for different activities or teaching appt's throughout the day. then language study. czech is beautiful. studying it is quite enjoyable.

then we go out! most of our days are pretty packed with teaching appointments. trying to go into detail there is impossible, but the teaching is really really fun. i really love the people we teach. it's just great fun. 

anywho's time is up again. this week is going to be amazing!
(next week is transfers. what happened?!?!?!?!?) we'll be in prague for a training on wednesday (it's going to be mind-blowing. i don't have words for it, but certainly expect more about it next week ;)

love you tons momma!
elder stimpson

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