How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1 Letter

wow. this week was certainly the best week ever. sorry if i say this every week. but this week it was true. what joys!
firstly after proofreading the last email i realized that much of what i mention is not worth mentioning? any questions? anything ya'll are dieing to know? i am all your's for this time so don't hold back :) (especially you momma!)

WoW! this time just flew by! um i recorded a tape. so i'll try to get that sent soon to make up for the brevity of this guy.

til then thist past week was amazing! we were as busy as we have ever been and are learning more and more each day!
I got to go on exchanges with Elder Stradling (i was with him in brno), Which was an absolute blast. Just a real treat to be with him again and teaching with him.
We have a wildly packed week ahead of us, zone leader meeting on wednesday (road trip to prague!) :D and a training in Hradec Kralove on Friday. it's going to be a great week, and i promise next week i'll get better at the whole time management thing.
momma i love you. sorry this one is short. anything nuts that happned i'll record on the tape :)

love yo tons!!!!!!!!!!
elder stimpson

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