How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28

package will be sent this week. i don't have a note in there describing the contents..... there are prolly some tickets and other peices of memorabilia, you are welcome to all of those. there ought to be a czech egg (if it doesnt' get destroyed) and some chocolate wrappers (plan on making something of those sometime) and a few ties (dad has rights to all of them) (till i get back of course) :) i'll try to think of what else... nothing comes to mind. but as soon as it does i will let you know.

otherwise. transfers! wow. exciting as always. this could be the best transfer ever. I'm with Elder Knapp! AHHH He's so great. His czech is wonderful, so I'll be getting rid of all the bad habits I've developed over the course of my mission :) his teaching is also great! I was here on an exchange with him last transfer. so that was kinda a foretaste of this transfer I guess! Our area is so great! We are teaching a ton, and sounds like everything else is just really solid. Great area. no worries. otherwise i know nothing about pardubice. i know we go to church in hradec kralove, which is a short train ride away. and that we have a ton of wild adventures ahead of us!

Wild news from this past week! I got moved out of zlin! what's the deal! I am going to really miss those members. it took us all by shock because both elder jaynes and i are leaving, not typical for missionaries to blind in and blind out, but it happens. the area was great though, and was really getting rolling, so I hope that i'll keep that same fire into the next transfer.

last monday we went to an aircraft museum! it was wild! we didn't have tons of time there, but it was really cool to see all the old... aircraft (i can't spell the right planes anymore.... blast!) and a few migs, too! it was a moment to think of President Uchtdorf :) and all the relationships to plains and the gospel. I'll try to send some pictures of that. and maybe some pictures of members from zlin as well!

love you so much!!! i see you sent me an email so i'll try to keep going in a second with some more!@ :)

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