How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23 Letter

firstly wow! tons of stuff may have happened since last week that i kinda maybe included already but i'm not too sure. so forgive me if i write about anything twice. also forgive me for the lack of pictures, but i now know there are two computers to watch out for here. haha (we learn by experience)

now for the fam emails: i'm just gonna respond in a huge blob of goodness: linds, yes i love how God keeps promises. goodness me am i grateful for that. and we're using mosiah 2:41 in a lesson today :) the gospel is true! haha taryn, reese is a hoot! oh man! and she's awesome. her outgoingness needs to rub off on me as a missionary. i get way to scared to talk to some people. but! i did just chat it up with a lady on the bus over here. she was like, "yeah i thought about God, and decided that if God was, then there wouldn't be so many catastrophes" (we heard second hand about some demonstrations in prague, but we're on the other side of the country so we don't get much of it, thank heavens. i dunno about the elders there though. but momma don't worry we're missionaries! these white shirts are like a celestial bullet proof vest. nebojte :) but back to that lady's question. last dist. meeting we talked about why bad things happen to good people (thank you Holy Ghost for inspiration) so her question did not go unanswered for long. unfortunately we live way too close to the emailing place, so it was a 3 stop long conversation. but it was very nice. laur, i can only imagine the amount of fun ya'll had together. goodness me. tess, maternity leave (?) sounds way nice... kinda jealous. but i get to take 2 years off of studying for school so i guess the mission is like a weird-different-kind of maternity leave?

but yeah! so to the week!  firstly what i forgot from last week! i'll try to get one of the sisters in the ward to email you (momma) pictures of the branch at the mormon helping hands thing. it was way fun. my shoes are now super nasty.

nextly wow. did we ever get lost in prague last week. good news though. i found a lego museum that will no doubt get visited next time :) they're czech! it was pretty fun hanging out in the office while the companions went for some visa work. but elder gleue and i naturally had too much fun playing around to which president was kind enough to remind us that there is no way he can put us back together again. (it is inevitable he can't control it :)

as far as calling you goes on mothers day. tell me if 5 pm or 7 pm (czech time) would work better for you. other options may be 8 pm czech time. and maybe even 9 but i'm waiting to hear back about 9. so right now plan on 5 or 7 (tell me which you want) or if 8 would work best then that is great! but yeah i'll send you the number before hand. and you will call me at whatever time we pick.

mother thanks a ton all those mornings that you read some scriptures with me (more like to me) as i was eating breakfast in high school. cause now i can bear testimony that it works and that mothers in the ward should do it :) haha so thanks oooooodles!!!!  this past week (on exchanges) we taught a family here the first lesson in english (they want to practice english and we want to practice teaching so it works out quite nicely) :)  it was awesome! absolutely love em and it is always funny speaking in another language. it's just a trip in and of itself. oh goodness. but yeah it was a very cool time and i was only sad that elder gleue and i didn't think of that last transfer! haha

in other news i am almost completely out of ink in my pen (so time to move to the next one... i've still got like 20 from the MTC haha) that's the big news. Every time i write now it is an adventure. i love it to be honest. highly recommend it. cause i can be writing something completely plain and simple and having a pen that is on its last leg makes every word i write 109 times as important and epic. it's nice :)

the big news and last news is about the presentation that we have at the university today... lots and lots of stuff has been learned since last week, to say the least. we're super prepared and now the whole district (7 of us) and a member who served a mission in spokane are going to be presenting. the wild stuff is that apparently this is a yearly occurrence with this guy and his class in ostrava (i was in montana last year so no way i could have known that haha) and i guess he writes wild books about tons of religions. i can only imagine he has fun writing all the crazy stuff people hear about us mormons. anywhos! we're all excited. and make sure to pray for us right when you wake up cause we're going in about 5 hours hahahahahaha

love ya'll tons and tons and tons
elder stimpson

p.s. our branch president related I, Robot and isaac asimov to the gospel last sunday. i love that guy tons hahaha he's hilarious

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