How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17 Letter

the attached pic is of prague! that's why emails are a day late (we went there for the comps' visa work yesterday)
and sorry this email is super short but this time goes by way too fast!!!
this week was just awesome! i had some of the best study sessions of my mission right now. instead of worrying about district meeting (the first time i planned for it i was freaked out!) i love it now. i just think of fun games and creative ways to get us going! but here's the kicker this week: PRESIDENT IRWIN IS COMING. i'm excited cause he's awesome and it's gonna be way too much fun in district meeting. (thanks for the bacon chocolate!!!!) we usually start off with a treat-tasting-session and share ideas on what the district thinks of whatever we try(one time we tried every flavor of chocolate that milka has.... there were soooo many!!!! and another we tried different flavors of studenka chocolate (a traditional czech recipe)) it's a blast.
i'll have to talk more about this past week next week. but that's okay.
we went to prague yesterday which was just a blast. we got lost a few times (and by lost i mean when asked which way we needed to go i would point in a range of about 60 degrees. so general directions were always good! i wasn't really too worried much.  haha it was great fun though! got to hang out in the office a little bit since i didn't have to go to the foreign police. elder gleue and i saw each other again and just had a great time giving president irwin a hard time about putting us on opposite sides of the country.
but yeah sorry this is super short. next week will no doubt be a huge one. and it'll come on monday too (these past two weeks were just wild)
love ya tons momma!!!
(maybe that typing thing would be a good idea to avoid weeks like this :/ haha)
sorry again, but next week'll be longer!
love ya bye!

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