How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Leaving for Prague (odejde do Praha)

Dean leaves tomorrow for Praha (Prague). I know he must be eager to go to the land he has been called to serve in, after studying Czech for the past 9 weeks. Today, President Clark called to tell me that his son-in-law, who teaches Czech at the MTC, said:

"Elder Stimpson is one of the strongest missionaries we have EVER had. I had the chance to see him and listen to him give a discussion and he is one of the most fluent Elders we've seen in a long, long time! He's doing just great with the language.
"Elder Stimpson is so sharp. Everyone who works with him thinks he is just phenomenal!
He is really outstanding."

If you'd like to write to Dean, his address will be (98 cents postage):

Církev Ježíše Krista Svatých Posledních Dnů

Elder Dean Stimpson

Milady Horákové 85/95

170 00 Praha 7 - Holešovice

Czech Republic – Europe

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