How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Can You Decipher the Czech Code?


so im in the czech rep on a wild czech keyboard goodnesss gracious. we don´t have much time becuase i guess zou have to be a student or registered or something. but it was absolutelz fantastic to talk to zall on the phone and wow is it nuts here exclamation point. i will learn how to tzpe on these dang things i promise. but mz companion is awesome. elder gabrielsen. hes been here two transfers and his cyech is awesome and hes helping me contact and such. can i understand much cyech question mark no. but have i said things while were contacting question mark. zes. and it§s ywesome whoooo oh goodness. its reallz awesome here and i will certainlz remember everzthing to saz next time when we have more time to tzpe and such and ill also send zou more pictures. OH im serving in ostrava. it§s beautiful slash industrial. i havent seen all of it but i hear thez speak super fast cyech here so im gonna get reallz good fast i hope hahahahaha oh goodness. anzwhos its super nuts here. were alreadz having success. we spent some time contacting in the naměstí and got some numbers and set up some lessons super big smilez face. i promise ill figure out the stinking whatever thezre called on theses kezboards. goodness me. its reallz nice here and this week we have district conference so ill get to see good ol elder durrant from bzu. thatll be a blast exclamaition point. OH elder gleue is also in ostrava. we have quite a zoung district. im green elder gleue is green. mz trainter is in his 3rd transfer and elder gleues trainer is actuallz prettz old. but in the other companionship one elder has been out just under a zear and the other is in his second transfer. oh man am i excited to start teaching exclamation point.
grannz thanks so much for the ties exclamation point. thez were perfect exclamation point. how did zou know i had no purple ties question mark. and uncle pat thanks for the goodies. we had a nice leaving feast with them and thez were much appreciated.
anzwhos sorrz i dont have to long but i will write more next week for sure and send some pictures also exclamation mark oh zes. it§s gonna be awesome exclamation point.
til then i sure do love zall¨
starší stimpson

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