How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, February 11, 2013

First Letter from Liberec

firstly. we are teaching a few younger kids.
A. sisters and mother(s)- (anyone this email gets to) what can i do to help the kids focus/ get something out of sacrament meeting? we have done the coloring. it's not too bad. any other ideas? two are about 10 (both boys) and another is a 12 yr old girl. (children of part member families or investigators). 

okay. now for the spiritual stuff ;)
this week was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in a recent conference, we got a quick presentation from one of the church's translators about the czech republic and slovakia (we're having him teach us some stuff at polar bear this week! i'm looking forward to it to say the least) the history of the nations, and the history of the church in the nations, good stuff :) which prepared us for another big step in the history of the church in this mission, namely, the printing of the book of mormon in slovak! YAY! it was an amazing spirit about the conference. a lot of answered prayers, and it's only going to grow! We have a slovak member here, and a few people we are teaching are also slovak so elder odell and i are looking forward to getting some with equal excitement. :) it was beautiful. tough to explain, especially in email. but look through church news or other things for stuff. (i got some pictures too, still have no idea how to send them on these computers, but i'll get them to you as soon as i do, or i'll print em out and send them the old fashioned way haha)

so on to other items of business! saturday was maybe one of the craziest days of my mission. we had a ton of appointments on plan (barely had time for anything else) (not to mention they were all in straz, a town about 1 hr by bus away) and almost everything got changed! haha it was still an amazing day, and we saw some real miracles, one of which included the MTC teacher who has been translating for us- apparently he was really close with the brother of one of the mongolian members here! small world! all i can say is, i may start to learn a few mongolian phrases :)

in the travel department, the conference was in BRNO, which meant i got to do some reminiscing. we spent the night in prague with elder strobel (lucky enough to have served around him a few times already) and elder story (who has had to clean up the messes i made in ostrava and brno haha, not really messes, i just like to joke because he was District leader in ostrava right after me, and then went to brno as i left haha. awesome guy though! baseball player. what more do i need to say. it was a fun trip) 

the rest of the work is going really well. my studies are constantly improving and i'm just continually more grateful for what i'm learning in them.

time's up but i sure do love yall tons!

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