How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21 letter

I'M IN LIBEREC! BACK NORTH IN THE MOUNTAINS HAHAHA. it's great. the apt is AWESOME, HUGE, AND IN A PRIME LOCATION. wow. and the branch is AWESOME. i'll tell you more about the area as i get to know it better. it was tough to leave c bud... and some of the members i will especially miss (not to mention brother sir)  but such is life. and i hear liberec is just awesome! my companion is elder odell. who has also served in c bud. in brno (same area) and in poruba in ostrava (our missions are like mirrors of each other! haha except he has a few more areas and transfers under his belt)

elder hansen stayed in c bud with president (tee hee) lisonbee, and elder hansen will be district leader there. i think i'm district leader here but i've still got to figure that out... i always black out when president calls and only ever hear where i'm going.  :/ our district is wild. liberec has only 2 elders. and the other companionship in the district is a pair of sisters in jicin (which is about an hour away.)  elder odell is a machine. he is enthusiastic, hard working, and just a joy to be around. and the sisters, while i don't know them right now, sound much the same. we've got the best missionaries, what can i say? :)

sure do love ya. i'll send some more pics in a sec.

(letter #2)


so firstly! ceske budejovice and where i left it. it had snowed oodles! overnight pretty much! most snow in the czech rep. so that made the buses run funny for a while. but other than that it was no problem. mostly it was fun to just see tons and tons of snow. and wow the train ride here was AWESOME. there were some trees that weren't snow covered but were the cool kind where they're a little frosty and frozen. it was amazing. really really pretty. i'll miss ceske budejovice of course, but theres not really too much time to think about it! this transfer is nuts. tons of missionaries are going all over the place. it's fun to be a part of. some big news is that elder gleue is back from slovakia haha. so i'll get to see him again sometime in the future? otherwise all my other companions from the past are doing great things.

one really cool thing that happened this past week was our shoveling adventures! when the snow started to fall.... pour may be a better describing word, we didn't have a great time seeing. and not many people were walking around... so we decided to hits the streets, with the shovels rather than our normal proseliting gear. we shoveled a bunch of sidewalks a few driveways and some other things around our place. it was a blast. took me right back to MT and all the fun we had there haha. goodness me. it was also a nice workout of some particular shoveling muscles that have not been worked to such an extent in a while. namely my left bicep. i can't tell if its my age or just me not having done curls for a while (i do pushups instead haha. i will catch up to dad's 150! hahah) but a good day or two i was feeling the good sore. i miss it :) haha. lvoe ya tons and tons!

sorry no pictures. new computer and i'm having some troubles. next week though!! :) i'll get some of liberec!
love ya tons momma!

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