How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27 letter

Dear Momma - 
As far as wild stuff i figured since we talked two days ago i would mostly send some pictures today. so i sent a bunch. but! something AMAZING happened yesterday! the carolling was simply amazing. it was great to see the light of Christ come back into these peoples' faces as they listened to the carols. That may have been the best gift of all. BUT!

even wilder! we were walking through the namesti and elder lisonbee said hi to someone (dobry den) (it's just what we do) and the guy turned around and said, "Dobry Den!? what's that supposed to mean!" turns out he's from the states! haha it was nice to chat. he knows a little about us. was impressed and respected our decisions to come out here and teach people about christianity, and to avoid getting deep into any politics, left him with a card and said, if we can help with anything, give us a call. by the time we got to the other side of the namesti, he had run up to us and had something for us to help with! (that never happens hahah) he asked us to go sing to his girlfriend (a czech), who could say no to that! haha so we went. it was just amazing. sang to her a few carols. of course she was feeling the Holy Ghost like mad! so 1. she didn't notice our nasty accents, and 2. wanted to give us money and really anything she could. we got their address and are really excited to visit them in the future. she was getting kind of emotional as we were singing. but at this time of year who doesn't thinking about the Savior.

love ya'll tons.
Time to fly!

elder stimpson

Pics: me and the penguins. not quite the same as the ones at the boston aquarium... but i'll take what i can get haha.The MTC group I came out with. At a member's house.

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