How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1 Letter

wow. yet another week. some wild stuff happened. and it all started last monday!

we had a lesson with a woman who is just great. she's growing a lot spiritually. but yeah. last weekend was rough for her (we didn't know why, she didn't come to church and we weren't in contact) it was rough. then we tried her monday evening, elder lisonbee called and she was actually super close to the building! (she doesn't work close or live close so it was really completely by chance)... so we met. she told us what happened and to make 20 min of conversation into one sentence, pictures and momentos of her childhood were thrown away by someone. it was one of those things that i couldn't really grasp at first and didn't really know what to do... but then i remembered my family! (and i also thaught of ammon when his buddies are all worried cause something bad is about to happen but ammon is just pumped cause he's got a plan and is really excited to see the spirit at work [i can't remember if that's exactly how the story goes... but it's somewhere in mosiah i think?]) but i was reminded to every week emailing-last week in particular, and laur's email about eternal fam's. ooh. i just got pumped! elder lisonbee and i started testifying and teaching like crazy and it was just a wonderful meeting. you could've cut the spirit with a knife it was so thick.

in other news there is a town around here somewhere, that when pronounced, sounds like the mexican place chichenice... i dont' know how to spell it. haha but elder lisonbee and i were looking at where some membres live outside of town and found this place :) there are some castles around too! oh man we're pumped.

we had a training this week which was wonderful. one of the picturs is from the train on the way back. it was a really cool ride :) and trainings are just great! spent the night with the office elders (one elder i don't know too well, and another who was in ostrava my 3rd transfer there) it was just a blast. elder lisonbee and i found the coolest ties in the world. and everybody was complimentin em. (elder lisonbee has wonderful taste in ties if i may say so.) unfortunately that means the picture i sent a week or two ago is already out of date... as i have since acquired more ties...

this week is looking packed like crazy. wow. it's gonna be nuts. i'll work on more pictures so i can type less but say more. til then, love ya'll tons and tons. miracles are happing like crazy, so many that they can't be contained in this 1 hr of emailing. but know that theyre happening. daily, if not even more often :)

love love love ya momma
Elder Stimpson

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