How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, September 3, 2012

September 3 letter

sorry for the all caps. but yeah. i'll have to get better at typing now cause the time will be much more hectic hahah :)

anywho's! this week was wild! and awesome! it was quite possibly one of the best district meetings ever. i was very proud of it. in the good way, though :) we learned about how to create good relationships between ourselves and those with whom we come in contact. it was very enlightening. english class was also super super awesome again! the girl who got contacted in a bus came back! (but she went into a more advanced class.. she shoulda been there to start with we just got lucky for the extra student haha) i just gotta keep praying she'll come back again so we can start teaching her the restored gospel! :) goodness. otherwise it was the biggest english class that i've seen in ages! we had oodles of students in all of the classes, and had a really great spiritual thought as well about parenting from 1N1:1. it was nice :)

On wednesday we went over to one families for dinner- and it was just a great experience. the part that stuck out the most was them asking us what stuck out about our parents, or what made us decide to stick with living the gospel (they are converts so have yet to have that perspective really) and for both of us it was the examples of our family. it was pretty intense. there is a pretty strong spirit when speaking about families. and this evening was no exception.

we had some pretty wild days. as far as not having very much time to fool around. and by fool around i mean we had to fly around everywhere and couldn't really afford to miss our trams! goodness me.

sunday was super super awesome. the testimonies were amazing, and the spirit was just powerful. I didn't want to leave. then elder's quorum was also stinking powerful. I've come to really enjoy sundays as a great time to be uplifted by the spirit and learn some good czech while i'm at it! :)

sure do love ya momma and i'll get more organized for next week as far as getting more too ya. so don't worry about writing more or less for your emails next week. 

the most powerful point of the week was probably one particular lesson we had. the guy came a little late so we only had 15 minutes to really meet. we had planned to talk about the plan of salvation- but he hadn't read 2N2 so we started to read it with him. we met this kid a few weeks ago on the street and it has been really amazing to see his progress since that point! the meeting, much like church this sunday, was like a spiritual wall. or like a 15 minute ride down that one wild water slide at the atlantis hotel that i was too chicken to go down... someday i will conquer it! hahaha but back to the lesson. it was really neat reading with him, being able to really pick at the scriptures while reading with an investigator and the member that was there was loving it! she said 2N2 was her favorite chapter so we were all just having a ball. she pulled out some colored pencils and would start marking after we read a verse and talked a little bit about it and what it meant. i will say in the 15 minutes we didn't read the whole chapter. i think to about verse 4 or 5 (the whole chapter would certainly take much MUCH more time to digest to a deeper extent) It was just really great. it was "the vision" as we call it here in Brno. We've got a vision and we love to refer to it :) elder stradling and I have a bit of a quote wall going, and one of the first ones up there (even dating back to my second transfer in its inception) was "it's the vision starsi!" it's very important to have a vision-and to refer back to the member visit (sorry pres, you don't get to see that part of the letter) my vision is coming from members of my family :) It's become clear to me this week that the family is the center of God's plan for us. It is the reason of our coming to this earth and the reason of our existence and experiences that we gain. I am eternally grateful to God for the family he has given me. not only here in the mission field, in Brno, in the church, but most especially my family in america/canada.... we're kinda spread out :) momma- you and dad are the start of it. I couldn't have asked for better examples of dedication to the gospel. i love you tons and tons. dare i say to the moon and back :) (of course we know the moon is not nearly far enough to describe the love in our family)

sure do love ya and can't wait to hear how this week goes for ya!
elder stimpson

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