How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, August 20, 2012

Czeching in from Brno

Hello!  Thought you might enjoy a picture of YOUR missionary.  This was taken Friday at the spot on the namesti where we do "finding"....singing as 3 of the group do the contacts.  That day was pretty successful...I think they ended up with 6 new telephone numbers.  These missionaries work HARD every day, and occasionally they get a good was one of those days.  I think there were 7 investigators at church!  They get compliments for their Czech language facility and are ALWAYS working to improve.  These are the best of the best, and we love them.  We know you do, too.  Thanks for sharing them with us.
Our best to your families,
Starsi and Sestra Martinova

 "Petanque" like we played back in high school French class!
 Elder Stradling and I with Petrov in the back.
we were in the dungeonssssss it was intense. i guess spilberk is known for being a torture house haha :/ goodness me. it was a fun lil trip though! :)

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