How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9 : Condensed

Monday: Today was beautiful! preparation day is always nice, just a
good time to relax, but today there was not very much relaxing! haha.
we got knighted! no doubt much of the attached pictures will be of
that. it was a pretty typical preparation day otherwise. we definitely
cruised through tesco (the place we do our shopping) so that we would
have more time for the vilet to veveri (i don't have haceks, so i
apologize i have no idea how to explain the pronounciation of that
place.) beautiful castle though. constructed around 1240. tons of
history. the SS used it as their place around uess the Russains
launched some artillery at it back in WWII times. super nuts. tons of
history. and there is a little chapel around the corner, well in the
fields by the castle (oh man was it a beautiful view) that apparently
has some connection to the templars! wild wild stuff! it was a great
trip though. our district is just awesome. we had a great time out
there (in case the pictures don't show enough smiles ;) we got back,
had Family Home Evening with the youth in the branch (also just a
blast). the Lesson was on reading the scriptures and enduring to the
end. or rather enduring to the end by the means of reading the
scriptures. it was a pretty cool lesson if for no other reason than
hearing all of the different opinions on how to read the scriptures.
some thought morning was best, others thought the evening was better,
secretly i was thinking well of course both are best! becuase anytime
is the best time to read the scriptures. The other topic was where to
study; some really like to study in bed (i learned a long time ago
trying to read frankenstein in bed that, for me, that just doesn't
work. i'm pretty sure i slept the whole day...) others like to study
at a table, or outside, or even at church. Elder Mullen said it best i
think, (and he said it in czech so forgive the poor translation... i
know how to translate, but i don't know how we would say a lot of the
things i say in czech. i don't know if that makes sense... i'll try to
think of examples haha) "The important thing is that we read the
scriptures where and when we can feel the Holy Ghost. Be it in the
morning or the evening, in bed or at the dinner table, the important
thing is that the Holy Ghost can tetsify to us the truthfulness of
what we read."


Tuesday: Tuesday was beautiful. Another District meeting gone by. It's
so weird to think that we only have one more district meeting this
transfer! just playing two more. (i just councelled with a missionary
staying  over from slovakia, there is a training tomorrow which means
that we get to house missionaries from accross the border :) it's a
blast!) but yeah. it's just nuts to think about time. i purposely
still don't know the names of the months translated from czech so that
i don't know what time of year it is in english... the theme of
district meeting was  something called "how to begin teaching." it
basically teaches us how to begin teaching. in case it wasn't obvious
enough from the title. It is pure gold. I love it because when we do
what It says, then we wont go wrong. it's just like scriptures and
prophets' councel (sp?). when we obey God's will we wont have to worry
about being right or wrong. It was a great realization of that and
made me want to commit to memory pretty much every word in the
standard works and the missionary library so that i would know what
was expected of me :)

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