How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4 Letter

sorry it's super short email this week. but yeah. fun stuff that happened!

second major czech blunder happened this week:
after saying i wanted to get married on the pulpit a few months back... this week i called a woman sir... but i made a quick recovery by saying my pronunciation is terrible :)   [i swear she was wearing neutral clothing. had no make up. short man-ish hair.]   and i thought for a good few minutes on the tram how to start off talking to her..... she quickly responded with a "I'm not a Mister!" EEP oh well! decent conversation after that though :)

other wise it was a great week. had dinner at a fam's on sunday. father is english. wife czech. and the kids are awesome! all super young. one of very few times i've not been at the kid table.... hahaha. it was great though. they are a really great family and it was just great.

in other news brno has a very rich history! like a really huge battle from napoleon's time happened here! NUTS! some homework for after the mission. hahahah

sure do love ya'll tons!


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