How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 18 letter

this week seriously flew by! but at the same time it felt like monday was a year ago! time is certainly a fickle thing as a missionary. sometimes it's 7 in the morning and you think the day will never get here. then it's 4 and they day is nearly gone. then 9:00 comes around and it's easily the quickest hour and a half of the day. 

speaking of time my sense of time is very warped so forgive me if i already sent this picture. the word for rainbow is duha. really just some phlegm away from being spirit. so one must be careful in bearing testimony that it comes from the holy ghost and not the holy rainbow.

this past week was just great!

started off great! the branch here puts on an FHE for the youth, and elder hansen and i had some investigators come last week. it was a really cool experience. we caught a later tram so one might say that we made and entrance :) it was great though. introduced them to some YSA's here which is just awesome. members just make missionary work much much easier! haha district meeting on tuesday was pretty wild. the zone leaders were in bratislava (they visit the other district once a transfer to see how everyone's doin) so it was a little different. but really great. we spent most of the time reading questions asked by Jesus in the new testiment. Jesus is such an amazing teacher. It was one of the cooler district meetings and to me it's completely obvious why. when we focus on the scriptures and "preach my gospel" then everything goes well and the spirit is there.

in other news we had our last specialized training of the transfer on friday. it was combined three zones. every missionary in eastern CZ and all of slovakia was there. it was something indeed! it really hit me how real our callings are. how incredibly serious they are as well! i mean the Lord has trusted us with many, many, many people to look after! it was just a really neat experience.

one other side note from the conference is that i found out who the missionary is that announced his call on the same day as me in mission prep. he is in bratislava right now! a stone's throw away! it was a cool reunion, and when we told president that we have to serve together.... well he laughed to say the least (he's a funny guy like me. well i'm not terribly funny i just smile a ton). he's a smiler too. so we would be a terribly smiling companionship. goodness.

in the cool miracles department we had a singing display this week! i'll have to write more about it on the alpha thangy tonight cause i don't have much time left

sure do love ya momma!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11

Pictures! 1) my book case. chocolate wasn't on sale... but it was these bars that i thought i would never ever ever see again (they say limited time on them and they were all gone in Ostrava when i left.... so i had to pull the trigger :)   2) a double rainbow that we saw the other day. funny story: it continues into the panelaks because those are painted like a rainbow too! hahaha
3) picture of Brno. super super super cool!

anywho's the biggest thing that happened this week was that i realized there is a piano in the building that plays a song that Reese used to sing automatically. the old “melody the music pet” i think? i could never remember the words. but it suddenly clicked and i about freaked out! hahaha

As for the miracles this week! i went on exchanges (every wild story starts with an exchange! hahaha) and elder hansen and bahr (former comp from ostrava :) went tracting! and they tracted into this awesome lady who the set up a lesson with them for with the next day. the next day (i was still on exchanges) we got calls from a few people asking if WE could meet with THEM, usually we do the asking. it was nuts. i have no idea who it is but turns out he's up in Ostrava so i called my companion from the MTC and told him to get to the building up there for a lesson with a guy! it was nuts. miracles like crazy. we ended the exchange and elder hansen and i went to teach miriam, the lady tracted into. and she had a friend with her too! it was arguably the coolest first lesson i've ever had. they were eating up the gospel. and it just made sense to them! it was just a really cool experience. we prayed with them at the end (hearing first prayers is another of my favorite things as a missionary) it was just cool. they said they felt “goosebumps.”  elder hansen and i know goosebumps as the Holy Ghost. :)

time’s about up but i sure do love ya momma! sorry it's short but with the keyboard you sent, it'll get longer i think? haha

elder stimposn

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4 Letter

sorry it's super short email this week. but yeah. fun stuff that happened!

second major czech blunder happened this week:
after saying i wanted to get married on the pulpit a few months back... this week i called a woman sir... but i made a quick recovery by saying my pronunciation is terrible :)   [i swear she was wearing neutral clothing. had no make up. short man-ish hair.]   and i thought for a good few minutes on the tram how to start off talking to her..... she quickly responded with a "I'm not a Mister!" EEP oh well! decent conversation after that though :)

other wise it was a great week. had dinner at a fam's on sunday. father is english. wife czech. and the kids are awesome! all super young. one of very few times i've not been at the kid table.... hahaha. it was great though. they are a really great family and it was just great.

in other news brno has a very rich history! like a really huge battle from napoleon's time happened here! NUTS! some homework for after the mission. hahahah

sure do love ya'll tons!