How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16 Letter - First Letter from Brno

We got calls on monday! and i'm IN BRNO!!!!  wow. it's the 2nd biggest city in the czech rep, with ostrava being 3rd. it's nuts. transfer day is always intense elder bahr came with me from ostrava, but he has a new companion. it's gonna be one fun crazy fun transfer! my companion is elder hansen who's in his second transfer. he's just awesome. super cool and is just ready to do work. i'm serving around some other great missionaries, the district includes elder hansen, elder bahr, elder jones (elder bahr's companion), the zone leaders (one of whom is elder gleue's former companion) and a tripanionship of sisters! and a senior couple too! it's a big district! and i thought 7 last transfer was big! goodness me haha. got a fresh hair cut today so my ears are all cold. but today is just a lot of trying to get settled in and unpacked and ready to get to work tonight! haha

p.s. plan on me sending a lot of stuff home on a boat becuase i don't want to pay for the plane and it's not really a ton of impt. stuff that would need to be sent home super fast. missionaries gain a distaste for moving... imagine that haha and so i'm going to try to become a minimalist! wish me luck hahahah sure do love ya'll and it was great to talk the other day!!!

love love love
elder stimpson

Pictures: the first is me in some stuff that i got last pday.... we had some fun at a store. it was a blast. def way too much fun hahaha

second picture is andy and godwin. these really cool guys from nigeria that we were teaching. i learned a ton from them. just the most humble, coolest people. sad to leave them but brno is going to be a whole new world (disney aladin music begin haha)

third is us at the building being taught how to make svickova by sister renata hahahah it was a blast. and no doubt we're gonna try it out. i'm sending the recipe home... sorry it's in czech :/ yay google translate! haha

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