How To Send a Christmas Package to Dean

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012

Dearest fam!
new czech phrases:

spellovat- to spell ( i laughed out loud for quite some time when i heard this one :)
hypnotizovat- I will give you one guess at that one. yes i do love czech. when you don't know a verb in czech you pretty much just say the english verb and then add ovat. it's beautiful... if only the rest of the language were so easy hahaha!

sisters: thanks ton for all the letters. i love them every week. so keep sending them i really do love em!

but cool stuff that happened this week: looking through my scripture case (same one since i was 8 i think! haha) i found some notes from a conference in Tupelo, who knows how many years back, and written on the page was the word: AHOY!   that was quite a find. and who cares if it's really spelled ahoj in Czech, i didn't know how to spell back then.  that was a cool find though! also in my case is my For the Strength of Youth pamphlet from the ages ago that i was actually a youth (tessa hearing about the activity you set up for made me kinda miss it) and that was way awesome too! cause studying this week i read an article in a liahona about using that pamphlet even when we’re older! i was glad to still have it!

next pday elder gleue and i will be in prague! the 20th we get to go and renew our visa's, so ya'll can all be jealous! it's gonna be our preparation day too so we'll see what kinda sight seeing gets done! :D needless to say we're both looking forward to it :]

OOOH- in January liahona magazine there is a bit on the "12 week program" for missionaries- elder gleue and i just recently graduated :) we had some treats and birthday hats haha it was great. we joke about being old but it's our district leader's last transfer before her goes home, so he just laughs at us.

elder gleue and i had the greatest lesson this week with a less active. it was really amazing. the holy ghost was there and it was really really cool cause it all started the night before! elder gleue and i were going through what we could teach, decided on the gospel of Christ, felt good about it. began studies the next morning, started reading in Preach My Gospel about the gospel of Christ and didn't make it past repentance, haha it was a really awesome day of studies. planned out the lesson with some good scriptures. and then we went out and delivered! the best part was that during the lesson, i gained some personal insight into the things we were teaching (a testimony builder) then we shared a scripture we had planned from the night before and she said to us: did you just decide to share this? and we responded, no we planned last night for this. She testified to us, and I testify to you that Heavenly Father knows us and exactly what we need. He knows us better than anyone ever could and wants us to be blessed beyond our comprehension! gosh am i thankful for that! she shared some of that with us because she got angry at a telemarketer and felt terrible about it, and was trying to get over it so she was relieved when we read in the Book of Mormon Moroni 6 with her (specifically the verse that involved repenting and being forgiven) It was a great lesson and we both felt pretty good afterwards cause we were instruments in the lord’s hands and we knew it, and the member knew it. it was awesome.

i love ya'll tons and i'll try to squeeze some cooking stories here at the end:

halusky is a traditional slovak dish which elder gleue and i have been making way too much (there's just sooo much of it ! :D  after missing the pot one time with some of it, it ended up cooking like a pita next to the stove.  i tried it and it was pret-ty tastY! so needless to say later on we made some breadlike patties from potatoes and such. with some nutella and powdered sugar we had some of the best things that have ever been cooked by our hands. it was delicious hahahah

love yall tons!!!

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